On January 2, 2024, in a vote of 11:1, Greenville County Council passed a text amendment to significantly strengthen protections for riparian buffers in Greenville County. The amendment will require a minimum 50’ buffer on all classes of streams and Waters of the State in the County and a minimum buffer of 100’ on Waters of the State features with a drainage area of 50 ac. or more, which is in line with County Staff recommendations. This amendment also updates the minimum lot size to 1.5 ac. for new subdivisions of 10 or more houses on septic. A “sunset clause” was added which states that the amendment will expire in two years unless it is readopted by Council.
Call your council member to thank them for supporting protections for our waterways and to let them know that Greenville County residents appreciate their votes.
Riparian buffers are the areas of vegetation that border streams, lakes, and wetlands. Buffers serve a critical role in protecting streambanks and water quality by reducing streambank erosion and river sedimentation, serving as a natural filter for stormwater runoff, and many other benefits. They are the most cost-effective way to protect our streams and wetlands. To learn more about what you can do to support riparian buffers at home, check out the Reedy River Water Quality Group’s Buffers Video featuring FORR’s own staff Watershed Scientist.